The debate is ongoing especially among the old that current

The debate is ongoing especially among the old that current employees lack good morale. The advancement of technology giving the youth the opportunity to see whatever goes on in other countries has arguably negatively affected the performance of employees. Employees agitate more about everything. Demonstrations and strike actions have become the order of the day. Workers have become more difficult to manage and much more complex with the ‘I know my right syndrome’.

What is working for employers is the human resource surpluses in the system. There are several unemployed graduates in the system who are hungry for work. This empowers employers to fire insubordinate workers. But is that the right

way to solve the many problems confronting employers and employees? The bottom line is that managing workers has become more and more difficult.

a)  From the case above, it is quite clear that contemporary managers are faced with challenges in managing workers. Discuss at least five of these challenges contemporary managers are faced with in relation to the case above.

15 marks

b) Mr. Johnson, knowing that human resource surpluses exist has decided to

be collecting bribes from male applicants before he employs them and demand sexual favors from the females. Cecelia is determined to get the

job no matter what but Frank thinks that breaking moral rules for the sake of job is wrong. Discuss the views of Cecelia and Frank in relation to

your understanding of types of values.

5 marks

Total 20 marks

Question 2


Kofi became upset when his colleagues on the interview panel voted for one lady as secretary primarily because of her beauty as he was very sure the

lady lacked the skills to deliver. As he was lamenting to his wife, Joyce, she

also complained about the attitude of her manager forcing her to dress the


way the other secretary dresses. However, she does not fancy short skirts as a married woman.

A moment after, Comfort, their daughter walks in with tears complaining about how her boss maltreats her since the arrival of the new staff. Matters became worse when Benson their son added that he was not selected for the interview because of his tribe. The Chairman of the interview panel holds the view that people from his tribe are naturally lazy people.

Examine the various perceptual errors Kofi’s colleagues on the interview panel, the manager of Kofi’s wife, Comfort’s boss and the Chairman on the interview panel Benson attended have made and what right judgement they should have made.

12 marks


John became very upset when Boham came for the presentation on behalf of the company dressed like he was going to watch a football match. In fact,

John walked out of the presentation room to avoid any shame. Boham was of

the view that since his presentation related to football, he dressed accordingly so that the audience will understand him better. Meanwhile, the whole atmosphere in the room was very formal on a Monday morning. Discuss this perceptual stance by John and Boham in relation to the factors

that affect formation of one’s perception

8 marks

Total 20 marks

Question 3

c)  Assess the managerial styles, skills and actions of at least five managers you have worked with or observed. Select any five of the personality traits and practically show how they exhibited them to the advantage or detriment of the organization.

10 marks

d) In relation to (a) above, examine any five of the perceptual errors the managers have committed. Note that you are not to spend time discussing the concepts. Identify the errors they have committed and justify with practical examples.


Question 4

a)  As a conflict management Consultant, the government of Ghana has

given you a contract to advice on how to resolve various labor issues creating conflicts between the Government and workers as the ministers in charge adopted some approaches creating a lot of unrest in the country

on the labor front. Identify the conflict management tactic used in each of

the situations below and comment on their appropriateness or otherwise

i.     The Nurses and Midwifery Association has issued an ultimatum to the government that if they don’t get their allowances in May, they will go on strike. Even though the government has not budgeted for that, the President has issued a directive for the Finance Minister to find money to pay

ii.     Most of the heads of schools are unhappy with the shortening of

the vacation period. The minister has called a secret meeting with their heads to convince them.

iii.     Some experts in education sector in Ghana have cautioned against the full implementation of the free SHS policy. However, the government has gone ahead to implement it.

iv.     To totally eradicate the illegal mining menace in Ghana, the

Ministry has teamed up the security agencies to severely punish all those who fall foul to the law despite concerns from the local miners and the Chinese embassy in Ghana.

v.     The university teachers are asking for 100% increase in their

research allowance. However, the Minister has offered 50%

because publications play a major role when it comes to

promotions of university teachers. According to him, the university teachers also benefit from publications

10 marks

b) As a manager, you are confronted with the underlisted situations in your organization. Haven learnt the Geert Hofstede’s five dimensions of values, identify and explain the type of intercultural values you see in each of the situations and highlight how you would have dealt with the situations.

i.     Emmanuel is working hard through the renowned politician to be transferred to the Accounting department since he can climb the organizational leadership ladder faster

ii.     For not estimating the two-year profits in the business plan, the bank denied Johnson Limited the loan.

iii.     At a round table discussion, the CEO and his team deliberated on the issues raised giving everyone the opportunity to air his or her


views. When the CEO realized the issues were highly technical, he invited the Head of Technical Committee to chair the meeting.

iv.     To avoid all the misunderstandings that have bedeviled the organization lately, the Board gave a directive that all staff must

work in teams

v.     Despite the financial difficulties the company is facing, they still pay the cloth, shoe and holiday allowances

Total 20 marks


You have been appointed the new Minister for Environment and Natural

Resources of the Republic of Ghana. A major concern in your ministry is the destruction of the water bodies and other natural resources due to illegal mining. Civil society groups, media and experts are all calling for a total eradication of

illegal mining in the country. However, the research team in the ministry has given a disturbing statistic. Over 500,000 Ghanaians are employed in this industry. Shutting down the activity means relieving 500,000 Ghanaians of their jobs.

The statistics also shows that a lot of foreigners are involved and applying stringent measures will mean deporting several foreigners which has a great potential to break diplomatic ties with some of the most powerful countries in the world which can have dire consequences. Besides, even before you implement the proposed policy, your major political opponent is gaining a lot of political capital from it.

The minister has run to you as a Management Consultant (since he is an engineer and has no management skills) to advise him on which decision to take.

a)  Using the rational decision-making process, advise the Minister on which decision to take

15 marks

a)  How would you have used the bounded rationality theory to assist him?

5 marks

Total 20 marks


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