Jeremy, Maria, and Michael are directors of Orange Computers Plc. Critically discuss the extent to which the directors may be in breach of their duties towards Orange Computers Plc and the remedies which may be applied in respect of any breach of duty in the following situations:
a) Jeremy is the managing director. He also runs his own business, Apple Computers Ltd, but has not disclosed this to anyone in Orange Computers Plc. On a number of occasions, he has diverted business to Apple Computers Ltd, causing the profits of Orange Computers Plc to go down. This behavior has now been discovered.
b) Maria, the marketing director, rarely attends board meetings. Her marketing campaigns have been largely ineffective, and the other directors have discovered that she knows very little about marketing.
c) Michael, the sales director, was paid commission in a number of transactions, which he has not disclosed to the company. Orange Computers Plc has now discovered the profits made by him.