Refer to Problem 1.51. Let L be a language and let X be a set of strings. Say that X is pairwise distinguishable by L if every two distinct strings in X are distinguishable by L. Define the index of L to be the maximum number of elements in any set that is pairwise distinguishable by L. The index of L may be finite or infinite.
a. Show that if L is recognized by a DFA with k states, L has index at most k.
b. Show that if the index of L is a finite number k, it is recognized by a DFA with k states.
c. Conclude that L is regular iff it has finite index. Moreover, its index is the size of the smallest DFA recognizing it.
Problem 1.51.
Let x and y be strings and let L be any language. We say that x and y are distinguishable by L if some string z exists whereby exactly one of the strings xz and yz is a member of L; otherwise, for every string z, we have xz ∈ L whenever yz ∈ L and we say that x and y are indistinguishable by L. If x and y are indistinguishable by L, we write x ≡ L y. Show that ≡ L is an equivalence relation.