Complete a 5 day excel document of daily activities. Some to include reading, writing, exercising eating, studying, completing payroll, working at hospital shooting x-rays, cooking and whatever else you like 5day each student will prepare a time audit. This will be difficult because it will require you to keep track of your time in 15-minute increments. All it takes is a little discipline. You need not stop in the middle of something to record your time – simply wait until you finish the activity to record the event and time spent. By all means, do not wait until the end of the day to fill out your sheets. That would somewhat diminish the point of the assignment, as the whole point is to record activities and times as close to the time period as possible. Do not obsess with this assignment. Perfection is not required, only completion of this audit, recording the approximate time periods of daily activities, both typical and atypical. Again, only you and the professor will see your results (unless you wish to share with your classmates). To complete the audit, do the following: You will audit how you use time for 5 consecutive work days, in 15-minute increments. Complete the sheets for morning, afternoon, and evening, and be sure to include any comments or observations. At the end of each day, complete a summary of all of the day’s activities.
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