Walt and Carol Fish are married and file a joint tax return. Walt (2/19/1969) is employed as a salesperson for One Way Boat Company and Carol (3/1/1970) is employed by SC Company as a marketing executive. They have two children, Don and Dominique. They currently live in Sauk City, WI, in a home they had built in May of 2015. Their address is 608 Boat Street, Sauk City, WI, 53583. Don (111-11-1115) was born on 2/1/2000 and Dominique (111-11-1116) was born on 3/3/2003.
The Fish’s had the following W-2 information from their records for 2020:
Walt Fish 111-11-1112
Wages (box 1) $79,355
Federal tax withheld (box 2) 10,000
Social security wages (box 3) 79,355
Social Security tax withheld (box 4) 4,920
Medicare wages (box 5) 79,355
Medicare tax withheld (box 6) 1,151
State wages (box 16) 79,355
State income tax withheld (box 17) 4,500
Carol Fish 111-11-1113
Wages (box 1) $69,000
Federal tax withheld (box 2) 8,000
Social security wages (box 3) 69,000
Social Security tax withheld (box 4) 4,278
Medicare wages (box 5) 69,000
Medicare tax withheld (box 6) 1,001
State wages (box 16) 69,000
State income tax withheld (box 17) 3,250
The Fish’s received 1099 INT’s with the following interest income:
US Treasury bill (box 3) $2,480
Bank of Monroe (box 1) 4,900
Walt and Carol received 1099 DIV’s from the following sources:
Vanguard Mutual Fund (box 2a) $1,850
IBM (box 1 and 1a) 2,100
Janus Mutual Fund (box 2a) 680
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