Thought provoking exercise police personality according to sociological research, police officers fit into one or more “typologies.” as you read through the typologies listed below, think about which best describes the kind of police officer you would want to be (if you were going into law enforcement).
Would you be a combination of more than one type?
Do you think it is useful to have these typologies? Why or why not?
1. The crime fighter: these officers see their main job as arresting the bad guys and protecting the public. They are not concerned about engaging in social services with the local community.
2. The social agent: these officers believe that, although it is important to investigate crime and make arrests, it is equally important to engage with the local community on tasks that are not related to law enforcement.
3. The law enforcer: these officers have a lot in common with the crime fighter, but they are even stricter when it comes to technical law violations. They see their role as enforcing the formal law at all times.
4. The watchman: these officers are likely to ignore minor infractions and refrain from intervening in certain situations unless things seem to be unraveling such that the public is in danger. They are not likely to get involved in community relations, such as the social agent might, but they also are not likely to crack down on all offenders as would their crime fighter or law enforcer counterparts.
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