A 30-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with neurologic impairment, fever, edema, bruising, and bleeding gums.
Manual differential counts:
WBC: 12.3 Band neutrophils: 5
RBC: 2.60 Segmented neutrophils: 64
Hgb: 8.0 Lymphocytes: 30
Hct: 23.8 Monocytes:
MCV: 91.5 Eosinophils:
MCH: 30.7 Basophils:
MCHC: 33.6 Metamyelocytes: 1
RDW: 19.9 NRBCs: 6/100 WBCs
PLT: 9.0 Moderate polychromasia
PT: 12.5 sec
aPTT: 33.1 sec
Plasma is hemolysis even with a nontraumatic venipuncture.
Describe the peripheral blood findings.
2. Interpret the coagulation screening tests.
3. What additional tests should be performed?
The results of the proposed additional studies were as follows:
Chemistry tests: consistent with renal disease (increased BUN and creatinine)
Indirect bilirubin: increased
LD: increased
Plasma-free hemoglobin: increased
Haptoglobin: not detectable
d-dimer: 0.1 g/mL
4. Based on all the data provided, what condition is most likely?
5. What information is most diagnostic?
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