John Swan rented a safe deposit box at the Tenth Citizens Bank of Emanon, State of X. On December 17, 2011, Swan went to the bank with stock certificates to place in the safe deposit box. After he was admitted to the vault and had placed the stock certificates in the box, Swan found lying on a chair in the privacy booth of the vault a $5,000 negotiable bearer bond issued by the State of Wisconsin with coupons attached, due June 30, 2018. Swan picked up the bond and, observing that it did not carry the name of the owner, left the vault and went to the office of the president of the bank. He told the president what had occurred and delivered the bond to the president only after obtaining his promise that, should the owner not call for the bond or become known to the bank by June 30, 2012, the bank would redeliver the bond to Swan. On July 1, 2012, Swan learned that the owner of the bond had not called for it, nor was his identity known to the bank. Swan then asked that the bond be returned to him. The bank refused, stating that it would continue to hold the bond until the owner claimed it. Explain whether Swan will prevail in his action to recover possession of the bond.
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