Empire (Pty) Ltd is a South African resident. It is a manufacturing business that manufactures shoes. The different types of shoes manufactured include running and walking shoes, as well as high heels and flip-flops. The company’s financial year ends on 31 March. Empire (Pty) Ltd is a registered VAT vendor and the company does not use the IFRS 9 accounting standard for financial reporting purposes. The following information is available to calculate the normal tax liability of Empire (Pty) Ltd for the year of assessment ended on 31 March 2019 (all amounts exclude VAT unless otherwise stated):
Receipts and accruals Notes R
Sales 3 500 000
Dividend income 1 28 000
Expenditure and costs
Purchase of raw material 856 522
Inventory 2 ?
Bad debts 46 200
Doubtful debts 3 ?
Employee expenses 4 806 000
Legal cost 5 23 000
Design acquired 6 41 300
Repairs and maintenance 7 25 000
Electricity 8 36 500
Restraint of trade 9 160 000
1. A dividend of R28 000 accrued to Empire (Pty) Ltdon 15 August 2018 from a wholly owned South African subsidiary company.
2. The cost price of the opening stock was R310 000 and the market value was R285 000 as on 1 April 2018. The cost price of the closing stock was R365 000 and the market value was R425 000 on 31 March 2019.
3. The list of doubtful debts as at 31 March 2019 amounted to R69 000. The doubtful debt allowance allowed by the Commissioner for the 2018 year of assessment, amounted to R18 750.
4. Salaries paid during the current year of assessment amounted to R750 000 and the company also contributed R56000 towards the provident fund on behalf of the company’s employees
5. Legal costs of R23 000 incurred were paid on behalf of one of the company’s directors and formed part of his salary as a fringe benefit.
6. Empire (Pty) Ltd incurred an expense of R41 300 in acquiring a design on its children’s shoes that lights up when walking with them
7. An amount of R25 000 was incurred on painting the entire exterior of the manufacturing building. The building was badly damaged due to excessive rainwater filtering through the cracks
8 The company paid an amount of R36 500 in respect of electricity for the period 1 March 2019 to 30 October 2019.
9. R160 000 was paid to the former financial manager on 1 March 2019 for agreeing not to start a similar business in the Republic within a period of five years. Only R120 000 constituted income in the former employee’s hands.
You are required to:
Calculate Empire(Pty) Ltd’s taxable income for the current year of assessment.
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