In the past century, African Americans have had to deal with the effects of historical discrimination they were subjected to for hundreds of years. They have suffered detrimental effects of discrimination, such as being stuck in poverty cycles where it is nearly impossible to escape. The existence of slavery has plagued human history for thousands of years.
Slavery had numerous impacts on African Americans, slavery was soon abolished but to this day there are lingering effects of the historical discriminations the Africans Americans faced. Poverty rates have been lowering in numbers for the last couple of decades but for the African American Community the growth is much lower than ones from others such as Hispanics. An up-and-coming subject today is Afrofuturism, it challenges dominant narratives by centering Black experiences and re-envisions them.
This paper argues the effects of historical discrimination in the United States and how its perpetuation in modern society has affected ability of African Americans to escape the cycle of poverty that they have forcefully been placed in and as well as discussing that if we promote Afrofuturism, we may be able to help African Americans achieve a higher status in their society.
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