Case Study-Camila
Read the Initial Psycho-Educational Evaluation and answer the following questions. The evaluation has embedded cognitive/academic descriptors of assessment data for your full understanding of student’s learning profile.
1-What were the reasons for an initial referral? (attached data included in the evaluation).
2-What is the dominant language of the student and how was it determined?
3-What are the cognitive strengths of the student (share data, possible learning style?)
4-What are the student’s areas of academic delays and cognitive delays (share data)?
5-Did the student qualify for a specific learning disability? If so based on what criteria?
6- Do you agree with the final recommendations of eligibility? State why or why not you feel this student should be classified with an exceptionality?
7-If you had Camila in your classroom, state one modification and/or strategy you would implement in teaching her. (use what you have learned about her cognitive/academic profile)
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