2. State the responsibilities of TYSL Accountants in relation to the prevention and detection of frauds and errors in D-MERTON
3. Identify and explain THREE ethical issues (threats) which may affect the independence of TYSL Accountants’ audit of D-MERTON and for EACH issue explain how it might be reduced to an acceptable level (safeguards).
4. Identify and briefly describe TWO inherent risks, and TWO control risks of D-MERTON and explain how TYSL Accountants have responded to each risk, in planning the audit of D-MERTON
5. How would the cancellation of the product, the S1D system affect D-MERTON’s financial position and the year-end audit plan of D-Merton? How will it affect the value of the company’s technology?
6. Do you believe that Sarah Hancock has exercised her duty of care as the audit partner?
If your answer is YES, please explain your reasons.
If your answer is NO, please explain the reasons and what should she have done differently?
The video link: https://www.kanopystreaming.com/video/false-assurances
You have to log in to this website and search ‘False Assurance