1 What is the duty rate of the door assemblies into Canada?
2 What is the Value for Duty (VFD) code for this shipment?
3 What is the Value for Currency Conversion?
4 What is the value of G.S.T.?
Waller Automotive, Owner is David Walker, is a Windsor based establishment looking to import automotive door assemblies into Canada from the United States.
They already have applied and been approved by Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) for a Business Number: 891632743RM0001.
Freight Forwarder: B-Line Transport Trailer # BNP 855 ON. B-Line Transport Cargo Control Number: 6592 503918377
Canadian Customs Broker: Excel Customs Brokers . Transaction Number: 56210-56279452
Shipment will be picked up 2020/02/14 and crossing Windsor Bridge on 2020/02/20
Attached is the BOL and CI
Prepare a CCI , Manifest, B3 Forms.
152 Pcs @ $159.85/Pc – Door Assembly # DRT 9563041 Country of Origin : UMI ( United States, Michigan)
CI # : 85930
PO#: L 52907
Freight is $4,000.00 USD.
Exchange Rate is 1.31
Prepare the ACROSS entry from beginning to end for the importation of these door assemblies.
You will have to prepare a B3 coding form filling in all the fields on this form.